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Primary School Team

Primary School Team

Teacher of Design
  • Graduated from Huazhong Normal University majoring in Education, used to work at Changchun Street Primary School in Jiang'an District, Wuhan City, as the leader of the Information Resource Center, the leader of the teaching and research team, an excellent counsellor in Hubei Province, an outstanding young teacher in Jiang'an District, and a young pioneer education practitioner in Jiang'an District. With many years of front line teaching experience, she has participated in the research and development of municipal-level textbooks many times. Her demonstration courses, teaching papers, cases, etc. have won national awards and have been published in provincial-level publications; she has set up 3D, artificial intelligence and other community courses to guide students. She has won many national, provincial, municipal, district and other outstanding awards. She has rich experience in artificial intelligence and maker-education.