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About ISA International Education Group —— INQUIRE, SUCCEED, ACT

The ISA International Education Group was founded by senior education experts from many of the world's leading international education groups and prestigious schools in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, China and Hong Kong (China). The ISAIEG is committed to establishing the world's leading international education brand, providing students, parents, and teachers from many countries with a multicultural campus environment and high-quality services. At present, the ISAIEG has over ten schools and programmes.

With the educational idea of 'Holistic education, lifelong learning and cultivating globally cooperative and competitive citizens of the world', ISA is making every effort to build high-quality schools and a diversified education system to provide parents and their children with a range of high-quality education services. First cohort of ISA graduate students have received offer letters from a number of top universities and art institutions such as G5 Universities in UK, top 20 universities in USA, Top 3 universities in Hong Kong (China), Top 2 universities in Canada, G8 universities in Australia, and a number of top art schools in the world. In 2022, ISAIEG was awarded the 2022 Education Group with Great Comprehensive strength by Sohu Education.



Build A Multi-Cultural Ecosystem of International Education

ISA Mission

Nurture Leading Talents and Pioneers for the Future

ISA Learner Profile

Well versed in both Western and Chinese culture

Lifelong learners

Effective collaborators and compassionate leaders equipped to face the challenges of the future

ISA Schools and Programmes
